13. I don't feel much air flowing out the front of my AiRazor System. Is that normal?

Yes – do not worry. You are converting a ventilation fan into an air purifier with the device working hard to filter out PM2.5 in the room.

The outflow of air will be less than normal, as the surface area of the filter is very large. The air delivery is still strong enough to clean the air in your room (it is just spread over the large surface area of the filter, so airflow feels lower). 

You may see the filter getting darker quit quickly, but don't worry, this is just the filter working hard to remove the PM2.5 from the air, and protecting your wellbeing.

If you would like added ventilation in your room, then use a second ventilation fan in normal mode, without the filter. You may see the filter getting darker quit quickly, but don't worry, this is just the filter working hard to remove the PM2.5 from the air, and protecting your wellbeing.